29.03.2021 • 

:) Using more than one source, research an organism and its adaptations to its environment. Write a multi-paragraph informational essay communicating the adaptations your organism has made and how those adaptations have made it better able to survive in its environment.

Clearly organize your article and elaborate on your own ideas. Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly from the sources. Be sure to reference the source title or number when quoting or paraphrasing details or facts from the sources.

Essay Scoring
Your essay will be scored using the following:
1. Organization/Purpose: How well did you state your thesis/controlling idea and maintain your thesis/controlling idea with a logical progression of ideas from beginning to end? How well did you narrow your thesis/controlling idea so you can develop and elaborate on the conclusion? How well did you consistently use a variety of transitions? How effective were your introduction and your conclusion?
2. Elaboration/Evidence: How well did you integrate relevant and specific information from the sources? How effective were your elaborative techniques? How well did you clearly state ideas using precise language that is appropriate for your audience and purpose?
3. Conventions: How well did you follow the rules of grammar usage, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling?

Now begin work on your essay. Manage your time carefully so that you can:
• plan your multi-paragraph article,
• write your multi-paragraph article, and
• revise and edit the final draft of your multi-paragraph article.

be aware this is a multipe paragraph essay.

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