21.07.2019 • 

What is the location within a cell where cellular respiration occurs? the cell membrane the chlorophyll the mitochondrion the cytoplasm 7. another name for anaerobic respiration is breathing digestion fermentation photosynthesis 8. anaerobic respiration in yeast cells produces carbon dioxide, ethanol, and energy water, energy, and oxygen lactic acid and energy glucose, oxygen, and energy 9. which of the following are the reactants in cellular respiration? carbon dioxide, ethanol, and energy glucose and oxygen lactic acid and energy glucose, carbon dioxide, and energy 10. the waste products of anaerobic respiration contain large amounts of unprocessed energy, causing the amount of usable energy to be lower for aerobic respiration than anaerobic respiration the amount of usable energy to be higher for anaerobic respiration than aerobic respiration the amount of usable energy to be lower for anaerobic respiration than aerobic respiration the amount of usable energy to be the same for anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration

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