17.11.2020 • 

When a protein needs to be made, a signal is sent to a cell to turn on the ___B___ that codes for the needed protein. This is the start of transcription. Transcription occurs inside the ___C___ (cell organelle). During transcription, DNA is read by an enzyme called ___D___ and produces ___E___, abbreviated mRNA. This newly created mRNA molecule moves to the ___F___ (part of cell) where the process of translation can occur. During translation, small organelles called ___G___ read the mRNA sequence. These organelles direct transfer RNA, or tRNA, to assemble a specific sequence of ___H___ (2 words). A ___I___ is a sequence of three mRNA bases that codes for one amino acid. When all the amino acids coded for by a gene link, they fold, and this creates a functional ___J___.

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