28.06.2023 • 
Business and Finance

How to Get Your Money Back When Lending? Top 7 Ways


Lending money to friends, family, and even strangers has become a common practice nowadays, but it can often lead to awkward situations and disputes. Sometimes borrowers delay or even forget about paying their debts, which can be frustrating for lenders. However, there are several ways to recover the money that has been borrowed. In this article, we will explore the top 7 options for getting your money back when lending.

1. Request the Money Directly

If you have lent money to someone, and they have not paid it back, the first step is to directly request the borrower to pay back the debt. Send them a friendly reminder, and ask them when they can repay you. Give them a deadline and an option to make a partial payment if they cannot pay back the full amount.

2. Use a Third-party Mediator

If the borrower refuses to repay you or you are facing a dispute, consider using a third-party mediator, such as a lawyer or a debt collection agency. A mediator can act as an intermediary between you and the borrower and help you to come to a reasonable agreement.

3. Consider Legal Action

If the borrower has refused to pay back your money and all other methods have failed, consider taking legal action. Hire a lawyer to help you with the legal process. Keep in mind that legal processes can be costly and time-consuming.

4. Use Social Pressure

If the borrower is a friend or family member, you can use social pressure to motivate them to pay you back. Talk to mutual friends or family members and share your situation. It can be embarrassing for the borrower to let others know they have not paid back their debt, and this may help to prompt them to repay you.

5. Barter the Debt

If the borrower is unable to pay you back in cash, consider bartering the debt by agreeing with them to provide services or goods of equal value. This can help both parties be satisfied and avoid legal action.

6. Sell the Debt

If you have tried all of the above methods and have not been successful, consider selling the debt to a debt buyer or collection agency. They will take on the responsibility of collecting the debt, and you will receive a percentage of the debt recovered.

7. Learn from the Experience

If you have lent money to someone and have not been paid back, it is important to learn from the experience. Reevaluate who you lend money to and how much, and establish a contract or agreement for future loans to avoid any misunderstandings.


Lending money can be a tricky business, but with the above methods, you can be assured that your money will be returned to you in a timely and fair manner. Remember that the most crucial aspect of lending money is setting expectations and being prepared for the possible outcomes. Now you know the top 7 options for getting your money back when lending.


  1. Can I charge interest on money I lend?
  2. No, if you are not registered as a lender, it is illegal to charge interest on a personal loan.
  3. What is the maximum amount of time I should wait for repayment?
  4. It depends on your agreement with the borrower, but it is common to give a 30 to 60-day grace period.
  5. Can I go to jail for not paying back a personal loan?
  6. No, but legal action can be taken against you and negative credit repercussions may occur.
  7. What is the best way to document a personal loan agreement?
  8. A written document or contract signed by both parties is the best way to document a personal loan agreement.
  9. Can I lend money to someone who is not a family member or friend?
  10. Yes, but it is recommended to have a written agreement to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

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