16.07.2021 • 

An employee relations manager works at a 400-person call center that is part of a larger 7,000-person organization. The center operates 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The manager receives an e-mail from one of the call center employees, who indicates that he feels harassed and needs to talk to someone immediately. The manager makes immediate plans to meet the employee before his evening shift begins.The employee says that his supervisor treats him differently and is spying on him at work. He accuses her of logging onto his computer and making program changes and sending inappropriate messages to other employees. When the manager asks for proof, the employee says that the supervisor has deleted all evidence of her activities. In addition, he believes that at least six other employees, including the marketing manager, are trying to discredit him. The employee further accuses the supervisor of making sexual advances toward him.The manager says she will investigate the charges. Her first step is to speak with the supervisor. The supervisor reports that there have been problems with the employee for some time, as the HR manager knows from looking at the file. There have been several warnings, but the employee's behavior is becoming more erratic, and other team members do not feel comfortable working with him. The supervisor wants to proceed with termination of the employee's employment. She is concerned that if nothing happens, she will start to see high-performing employees leaving the organization. The manager then mentions the accusations of harassment. The supervisor is angry at being accused of harassment, threatens to obtain legal counsel if this investigation proceeds, and yells "This employee is crazy!" as she storms out of the manager's office.The employee leaves work at the end of his shift, gets into a car accident, and sustains minor injuries. He alerts the manager that he will be away from the workplace for two to three weeks and, as proof, forwards the physician's notes. These notes accidentally include reference to a possible mental illness. The employee also states that he believes the supervisor caused the accident.

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