15.08.2021 • 

Assessment Finding a Franchise
There are a variety of ways to find out what franchises are available. Newspapers and
periodicals, like trade magazines, are good places to look for franchise information. The
Internet can also be a good source with websites like that list
franchise opportunities. A simple Internet search will also tell you what is available in your
area. You can also go to the web page of your favorite business and look for franchise
information there. Once you have found the basic franchise information, imagine that your
budget for a franchise is $100,000. Choose three franchises to compare and contrast using
the chart below. When you have completed the chart, write a paragraph explaining which
franchise you would choose to buy and why. Be sure to include specific examples in your
paragraph to explain the reasoning behind your choice. Turn in both your chart and the
paragraph explaining why you chose the franchise that you did

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