25.11.2021 • 

Black friday is realated to business and finance in numerous ways and has become a very popular shopping event. Now that you have learned a little bit about the history and business strategies used for offering BLACK FRIDAY DEALS let’s put your purchasing power to the test. -Find a gift for the person described in the scenario below using BLACK FRIDAY deals online. -Pick a gift that also stays within the BUDGET you have been given for each purchase.
-You can only use the SOURCE (i.e. store online) ONCE. For example, you can use AMAZON only one time.
-You will need to include the following information for each person: Name of Gift Idea, Brief Description of the Gift, Website utilized, and Price of the Gift.

Donald is 38 years old and attends Culinary Arts School at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids. He would like to become a chef in Chicago someday.
BUDGET: $120.00?

Mia is five years old. Favorite play themes for Mia include Transformers and Mario.
Her favorite color is red.
BUDGET: $45.00?

Sasha has her own dog-sitting business. As an 8th grader at NW Junior High, she has many customers and little free time to really enjoy the weekend. She has a German Shepard named CALICO.
BUDGET: $100.00?

You work at Hy-Vee as a checker and your manager has been very generous with allowing you to take time off for your school activities. You decide to thank them with a small token of your appreciation.
BUDGET: $20.00?

CONGRATULATIONS! You have won a drawing for a $200 shopping spree at your favorite store. What are you buying? (Spend the whole amount, if you can).
BUDGET: $200.00?

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