07.10.2019 • 

For each of the following scenarios, determine which benefit of international trade applies: lower-priced goods, increased variety of products, or access to scarce resources. a. today most television sets bought in the united stated are made in china; however, this was not the case twenty years ago. b. in large grocery stores in the united states, consumers can buy noodles from asia, soups from france, pickled herring from scandinavia, and beer from germany. c. the united states has become a prime location for producers of semiconductors, whose products are then exported to nations around the world. this choice to produce in the united states is largely due to the access to the high-skilled workforce that is required for this type of production. d. while many developed nations have at least one domestic car manufacturer, consumers in these nations also have access to cars produced in other nations. e. the united states has long been the world's largest exporter of wheat. the access to vast, fertile, and highly productive soil combined with high-technology farming practices have made the united states a very cost-efficient producer of agricultural goods.

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