12.03.2021 • 

Gandhi Clothing Company produces shirts and pants. Each shirt requires 2 sq yd of cloth, each pair of pants, 3. During the next two months, the following demands for shirts and pants must be met (on time): month 1—10 shirts, 15 pairs of pants; month 2—12 shirts, 14 pairs of pants. During each month, the following resources are available: month 1—90 sq yd of cloth; month 2—60 sq yd. (Cloth that is available during month 1 may, if unused during month 1, be used during month During each month, it costs $4 to make an article of clothing with regular-time labor and $8 with overtime labor. During each month, a total of at most 25 articles of clothing may be produced with regular-time labor, and an unlimited number of articles of clothing may be produced with overtime labor. At the end of each month, a holding cost of $3 per article of clothing is assessed.
a. Formulate an LP that can be used to meet demands for the next two months (on time) at minimum cost. Assume that at the beginning of month 1, 1 shirt and 2 pairs of pants are available.
b. Determine how to meet demands for the next two
months (on time) at minimum cost. Assume that 100 shirts and 200 pairs of pants are already in inventory at the beginning of month 1

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