06.03.2020 • 

Item Original Price Discount (Dollars) $20.00 Off 40% Off (Dollars) (Dollars) A music box $80 A faux Ming vase $60.00 Suppose a friend of yours wants to buy a crystal candlestick. You remember seeing this item at both Annie's Attic and Betty's Breakables, but you do not remember the price. What advice should you give your friend in this situation? Go to Betty's Breakables, if the price is below $50.00. Go to Annie's Attic, $20.00 off is always better than 40% off. Go to Betty's Breakables, if the price is above $50.00. Go to Annie's Attic, if the price is above $50.00 Go to Betty's Breakables, 40% off is always better than $20.00 off.

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