11.02.2020 • 

Melody is an accountant at Centric, a large international firm where she works on potential acquisitions. When Centric is preparing to acquire a company, Melody is involved in filing the necessary paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Melody has been dating Robert for two years; they are now discussing marriage. Robert works as a salesperson for an exercise equipment distributor.

Over the past two years, Melody has talked with Robert about what she’s doing at work. She does not go into great detail, but does occasionally mention company names. Melody has given her company phone passcode to Robert so he can answer calls for her or look things up for her when she’s the one driving. Robert has read some of her emails by using the phone passcode. He has also eavesdropped on a few phone conversations she has had when a colleague calls her from work with a question.

Unbeknownst to Melody, Robert has been sharing the information he has gotten from her with his stockbroker friend, Matt. Robert will call Matt to give him a "heads up" that Melody’s company is going to be acquiring another company soon. Matt will then place an order to buy the stock of the company and will later split the profits with Robert.

Melody has not shared any information intentionally, nor has she directly profited from it.

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