27.06.2020 • 

onsider the following scenario when answering the following questions: Suppose that, in an experimental setting, 100 students are presented with two situations involving risk and return. The students are first asked to choose between Gamble A and Gamble B, where: Gamble A: The student will receive $1 million with a 100 percent probability. Gamble B: The student will receive $1 million with an 89 percent probability, $5 million with a 10 percent probability, and $0 million (nothing) with a 1 percent probability. The students are then asked to choose between Gamble C and Gamble D, where: Gamble C: The student will receive $5 million with a 10 percent probability. Gamble D: The student will receive $1 million with an 11 percent probability.

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