22.04.2020 • 

Paul Solomon is the owner of Solly's, an upscale restaurant in Tampa, Florida. Each year, Paul spends about $150,000 in advertising. As this year's ad budget decision must be made, Paul decides that he wants to know just how good his advertising dollars are working for him. He hires Getty Research Associates who recommend that he establish a baseline of awareness. Getty recommends a TOMA study which stands for Top-of-Mind-Awareness. TOMA studies consist of taking a probability sample of the population and asking respondents to name the first three "insert type of business here." Obviously, for Solly's, Getty would be asking respondents to name the top three restaurants in the area. The percentage of respondents that named Solly's would be a baseline measure of awareness, and future promotions could be evaluated in terms of whether or not they increased awareness. While Paul was intrigued with online surveys because they were fast and less expensive, Getty recommended a traditional telephone survey using the local Tampa directory. Getty also explained to Paul that "Plus One dialing" could be used to ensure that unlisted numbers were included. Though the directory was quite large and no electronic version was available, Getty felt they could efficiently draw the sample using a:A) simple random sampleB) judgement sampleC) stratified sampleD) cluster, area sampleE) systematic sample

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