24.06.2020 • 

Pincus Associates uses the allowance method to account for bad debts. During 2021, its first year of operations, Pincus provided a total of $156,000 of services on account. In 2021, the company wrote off uncollectible accounts of $6,300. By the end of 2021, cash collections on accounts receivable totaled $132,300. Pincus estimates that 10% of the accounts receivable balance at 12/31/2021 will prove uncollectible. Required:
1. & 2. What journal entry did Pincus record to write off uncollectible accounts during 2021 and to recognize bad debt expense for 2021? (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field.)
Journal entry worksheet
Record the write-offs of allowance for uncollectible accounts during 2021.
Note: Enter debits before credits.
Event General Journal Debit Credit
record to recognize bad debt expense for 2021.
Note: Enter debits before credits.
Event General Journal Debit Credit

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