22.09.2020 • 

Please examine the following short paragraph on a hypothetical paper about cybersecurity and the Internet of Things. The writer has made some errors in his integration of Shindell as a source. Please identify at least two errors. Describe what the errors are in a sentence or two. (You don’t have to re-write the paragraph. You just need to describe what the errors are.)One potential method of hacking into a hospital’s records is through a wearable device. Often, wearable devices are used by health care institutions to monitor blood pressure or other health conditions. However, such devices expose vulnerabilities in the system. (Shindell, 2018) argues that hackers increasing integrate malware to infect such devices and then use them as foundations upon which to attack the health care institution’s IT systems. Specifically, (Shindell, 2018) maintains that ransomware is especially pernicious. "During an attack, victims will typically encounter a screen giving them directions for paying a ransom to retrieve their data…"."More than half of hospitals surveyed were hit with ransomware in the previous 12 months."

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