15.04.2020 • 

Prestige Pegasus is a multinational firm that specializes in the manufacturing of hardware for high-end technical products and sells its products mostly through business-to-business interactions. Following a good year with soaring profit-margins, Prestige Pegasus is planning to conduct an internal assessment throughout the organization. In a meeting following the decision to conduct the internal assessment, Douglas McCarthy (the Chief Operations Officer) and Tom Castleback (the Chief Marketing Officer) are the prime contributors on the methods that the organization should use to perform these assessments.Douglas: "We should encourage 360-degree feedback, mostly concentrating on subordinates, as they would be the right people to judge their superiors."Tom: "We should definitely use 360-degree feedback, mostly from external customers, as they are the ones who matter in the end."Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen Tom's argument?a.The salespeople of the company travel extensively and are expected to work independently without supervision.b.The salespeople of the company do not have any flexibility in the selling price of the product.c.The company targets a niche market segment with a limited customer base.d.Previous surveys have revealed that customers are more satisfied with the company's services than the actual products

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