10.08.2019 • 

read the scenario and answer the following questions
jean, the pharmacy technician, is starting her shift at the pharmacy intake window. an elderly customer, margo, slowly approaches the window, jean smiles, makes eye contact and says “hello, how may i assist you”? margo looks around and softly asks jean which aisle she can find the hemorrhoid preparations. jean tells the customer which aisle it is located on and then turns towards the next customer who has just gotten in line. after all customers in line, jean turns around to put away prescriptions. as she is putting away prescriptions, she hears someone clearing their throat at the counter. jean turns around to see margo. jean approaches the counter and with no expression asks if she can her. margo, again quietly asks jean where to find the hemorrhoid preparations. this time jean does not make eye contact with margo. jean looks annoyed, sighs, points in the direction of the aisle and tells margo which aisle it is located on. margo walks away and jean notices that she bypasses the aisle and exits the store.
1. do you think jean’s method of communication was appropriate the first time she encountered margo? why or why not?
record your answer here
2. why do you think margo spoke softly?
record your answer here
3. do you think jean’s method of communication was appropriate the second time she encountered margo? why or why not?
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4. why do you think the customer left the pharmacy without purchasing the product?
record your answer here

5. what would you have said or done to prevent margo from leaving without purchasing the product she was requesting?
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6. if you were working with jean and witnessed this scenario happen, what would you do or say?

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