14.01.2020 • 

Required identify whether each of the following transactions is an asset source (as), asset use (au), asset exchange (ae), or claims exchange (ce). also show the effects of the events on the financial statements using the horizontal statements model. indicate whether the event increases (i), decreases (d), or does not affect (na) each element of the financial statements. in the cash flows column, designate the cash flows as operating activities (oa), investing activities (ia), or financing activities (fa), or does not affect (na). the first two transactions have been recorded as examples.
(a) provided services and collected cash.
(b) purchased supplies on account to be used in the future.
(c) paid cash in advance for one year’s rent.
(d) paid cash to purchase land.
(e) paid a cash dividend to the stockholders.
(f) received cash from the issue of common stock.
(g) paid cash on accounts payable.
(h) collected cash from accounts receivable.
(i) received cash advance for services to be provided in the future.
(j) incurred other operating expenses on account.

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