11.04.2020 • 

See the "Parker-Halsey Corporation" case for this question.

What type of professional service engagement was the assignment completed by the team of auditors led by Katelyn Light? Defend your answer. Which professional standards are applicable to such engagements?

Compare the overall goals of the two teams of auditors in this case. In what ways were those goals similar? How did they differ?

Under what circumstances, if any, can an audit firm rely on the audit procedures performed by another audit firm?

Identify the weaknesses in PHC's inventory-taking procedures. What implications did those weaknesses have for the two teams of auditors?

Do you believe that it was appropriate for Juan Suarez to insist that Dani Morgan and Tyler Christian not be informed of the complete nature of their PHC assignment? Why or why not?

Assess the conduct of Katelyn Light, Dani Morgan, and Tyler Christian. Do you believe they behaved "professionally" during the PHC assignment? Defend your answer. Did any other accountants or auditors in this case behave less than professionally? Explain.

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