05.02.2021 • 

Sensors in parking lots are able to detect and communicate when spaces are filled in a large covered parking garage next to an urban shopping mall. How might the owners of the parking garage use this information both to attract customers and to help the store owners in the mall make business plans? Choose the correct answer below. A. The owners of the parking garage can raise parking prices based on the demand for that time of the day. They can also communicate with businesses as to when to expect less customers so that they can adjust their store hours appropriately. B. The owners of the parking garage can alert the shopping mall customers if their car has been moved and/or stolen. C. The owners of the parking garage can advertise about the availability of parking. They can also communicate with businesses about hours when more spots are available and when they should encourage more business. D. The owners of the parking garage can invest in a larger garage based on the busiest time of the day. The increased capacity with lead to increased sales for the store owners in the mall.

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