02.07.2020 • 

Skylar and Walter Black have been married for 25 years. They live at 883 Scrub Brush Street, Apt. 52B, Las Vegas, NV 89125. Skylar is a stay-at-home parent and Walter is a high school teacher. His W-2 form is located on the next tab. Skylar's Social Security number is 222-43-7690 and Walt's is 700-01-0002. Neither are age 65 or older. The Blacks provide all the support for Skylar's mother, Rebecca Backin (Social Security number 411-66-2121), who lives in a nursing home in Reno, NV and has no income. Walter's father, Alton Black (Social Security number 343-22-8899), lives with the Blacks in Las Vegas. Although Alton received Social Security benefits of $7,600 in 2019, the Blacks provide over half of Alton's support. Skylar and Walt claim a $500 other dependent credit each for Rebecca and Alton. Walt’s earnings from teaching are included on the W-2 (see separate tab). The Blacks moved from Maine to Nevada. As a result, they sold their house in Maine on January 4, 2019. They originally paid $76,000 for the home on July 3, 1994, but managed to sell it for $604,000. They spent $13,000 on improvements over the years. They are currently renting in Las Vegas while they look for a new home.

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