22.04.2021 • 

Step 1:In worksheet "Part2" there is a list of salespersons and their quarterly output. It is your job to assess the data for anyone who receives a bonus. Employees get a 10% bonus of their total sales if they have total annual sales above $10,000. Employees also get a quarterly bonus of 3% if a single quarters sale is above $3,000. You are to use conditional formatting to: i) If an employee gets a quarterly bonus, the quarter in which they received the bonus, should be highlighted light yellow. ii) If an employee gets an annual bonus the Total column should be highlighted light green ii) The top 10% of total earning employees should be marked with a greed dot icon in their total column. You must use conditional formatting to complete these tasks. EIN 3354 Eng. Econ. 2 Step 2: There is also a column for when each person turned in their sales report. You are to use conditional formatting such that if the user turned in their report after 12/17/2020 a red icon with an X is placed in the cell, and if they turned it in on or before 12/17/2020 a green icon with a check is placed in that cell. (10 points)

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