16.04.2020 • 

Using the expenditure approach to calculate current GDP, select the proper classification for each of the following transactions: a. Nissan produces a car at its Tennessee plant in December, but does not intend to sell it until after the end of the year. b. An auto parts maker buys an idle textile plant in North Carolina with the intent of converting it to a distribution center. c. The U.S. Army rents a warehouse to store surplus equipment. d. Boeing buys some new machinery for its assembly plant in South Carolina. e. A state employees' pension fund in California buys $10 million in corporate bonds. f. A local bakery buys 500 pounds of flour to make bread. g. A doctor buys a painting to hang in his office waiting area from an artist on Etsy. h. A family rents a beach house for a week's vacation. i. A retiree in Chicago receives a Social Security check from the U.S. Treasury.

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