06.03.2021 • 

You are going to research the technological supports for health care in your community. Consider any technology that assists in assessing, monitoring, improving, and maintaining health for your community. Examples should include Internet resources and tools such as online scheduling services for community health providers and support groups and telephone services such as health hotlines and 911 service. Include medical technology such as ultrasounds, mammograms, X-rays, AEDs, and MRIs. Include other technologies that you find in your research.Use resources such as the Internet, the library, or phone interviews to conduct your research.Your research should examine the purpose, cost, benefits, and accessibility of the technologies. Required:
Compile your research in a table that lists each technology, its purpose, its cost to use, whether it is covered by insurance, and details on accessibility (numbers and locations if individual services). Finally, write a brief assessment of accessibility issues you uncovered.

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