11.05.2021 • 

You own some land that may have oil on it. Based on your expert analysis of the land, you believe there is an x% chance the land has oil. It costs $5 million to drill for oil. If the land has no oil, you will lose the $5 million spent on drilling. Your analysis finds that if the land has oil, there is a 30% chance it will be worth gross revenue of $7 million, a 60% chance it will be worth gross revenue of $13 million, and a 10% chance it will be worth gross revenue of $20 million. Another company is offering to buy your land for $5 million but the deal must be done today. Assuming you make decisions with expected value, and you sell the land as that has the highest expected value, what is the largest value of x% that is consistent with your decision? a. 90%
b. 88%
c. 86%
d. 84%
e. 82%

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