27.03.2020 • 

You receive two job offers in the same big city. The first job is close to your parents’ house, and theyhave offered to let you live at home for a year so you won’t have to incur expenses for housing,food, or cable TV. This job pays $49,000 per year. The second job is far away from your parents’house, so you’ll have to rent an apartment with parking ($9,000 per year), buy your own food($3,500 per year), and pay for your own cable TV ($550 per year). This job pays $54,000 per year.You still plan to do laundry at your parents’ house one time a week if you live in the city and plan togo into the city one time a week to visit with friends if you live at home. As a result, the cost ofoperating your car will be about the same either way. Additionally, your parents refuse to pay foryour cell phone service ($690 per year), and you can’t function without it.  Based on your reading and understanding of the case study, answer the given questions: o What is the net difference between the two alternatives—salary and net of relevant costs? o What information is irrelevant? Why? o What qualitative information is relevant to your decision? o Assume you really want to take Job #2, but you also want to live at home to cut costs. Whatnew quantitative and qualitative information will you need to incorporate in your decision?

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