11.02.2020 • 

You want to be as careful as possible that the variable of interest--namely, favorite movie genre--is clearly distinguishable from any other variables. to do so, first you must be careful to find a random sampling of people who share your birth week, avoiding simply talking to friends with whom you share common interests. second, you need to provide your subjects with a questionnaire on which they are asked to circle their favorite genre from a list, so that you are not tempted to interpret their answers in your favor. you must be certain not to tell them what you are seeking to prove or disprove; that way their answers will not be influenced by your stated goal. you must also make the surveys anonymous to ensure that your subjects aren't simply giving you the answers they think you want them to give.
after finding a random sample of 10 people born in the same week as you and your friends, you obtain these results from their questionnaires:
4 of them prefer comedies,
3 of them prefer dramas,
2 of them prefer action movies, and
1 of them prefers westerns.
as a control, you also interview 14 random people with birthdays throughout the year. you obtain results similar to the results of your experimental group and your friends:
3 of them prefer comedies,
4 of them prefer dramas,
3 of them prefer action movies, and
1 of them prefers westerns
what should you do next?

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