20.10.2020 • 

3. A certain Chemical Industry company has a quality control job opening. The job is open for any major with basic knowledge of chemistry. You decided to apply. In the interview the HR personnel gives you a sealed folder from a certain lot to test your laboratory experience, as well as your quantitative and volumetric analysis skills. The chemical contained in the sample is benzoic acid (C-H602) and it is known to be a monoprotic acid. In order to get the job, you need to determine if the sample's purity is acceptable based on their standards. Inside the folder you found a vial with a solid sample labeled BA-I, a periodic table, and the following data: 1.250 g of the sample required 20.15 mL of 0.500 M concentration of NaOH to reach the end point. The lot can be denied if the purity is below 99.5 % purity. 1) What is the purity in the sample?
2) Is it the purity acceptable?
3) Would you repeat the titration experiment?

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