15.09.2021 • 

5. A. mass of water and mass of jelly bean

B. mass of water, mass of jelly bean and change in temperature of water

C. mass of jelly bean, specific heat of water and change in temperature of water

D. mass of water, specific heat of water, and change in temperature of water

6. You can make ice cream by dissolving a chemical in ice water. By adding the chemical the temperature of water decreases causing the milk and sugar to freeze rapidly. You are tasked with designing a procedure to determine what chemical will freeze the ice cream the fastest. What piece of evidence would be best to help you select your chemical

A. The sample with the lowest initial temperature would work best

B. The sample with the highest mass will work the best

C. The sample with the smallest mass will work best

D. The sample with the most negative temperature change will work best

7. When conducting the experiment described above, What container would be the best place to mix your chemical with water? What explanation best fits?

A. Beaker, because it allows the most energy to be lost or gained by the environment

B. Styrofoam cup because it has a small mass and won't affect the mass of the water

C. Styrofoam cup because it prevents energy from being lost or gained to/from the surroundings

D. beaker because it has volume marks and will help you determine the volume of the solution


A. mass of water and mass of jelly bean
B. mass of water, mass of jelly bean and change in tem

A. mass of water and mass of jelly bean
B. mass of water, mass of jelly bean and change in tem

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