18.07.2020 • 

A 2.900x10-2 M solution of glycerol (C,Hs O3) in water is at 20.0° C. The sample was created by dissolving a sample of C3 Hg O3 in water and then bringing the volume up to 1.000 L. It was determined that the volume of water needed to do this was 998.8 mL. The density of water at 20.0° C is 0.9982 g/mL. Part A. Calculate the molality of the glycerol solution.
Express your answer to four significant figures and include the appropriate units.
Part B. Calculate the mole fraction of glycerol in this solution.
Express the mole fraction to four significant figures.
Part C. Calculate the concentration of the glycerol solution in percent by mass.
Express your answer to four significant figures and include the appropriate units.
Part D. Calculate the concentration of the glycerol solution in parts per million.
Express your answer as an integer to four significant figures and include the appropriate units.

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