03.06.2021 • 

A 55.00 g metal bar is placed into a beaker of boiling water (100.00°C). After three minutes, the bar is removed and placed in a Styrofoam cup calorimeter containing 125.00 g of water. The initial temperature of the water in the cup is 27.00°C. The final temperature of the water and the bar in the cup is 30.20°C. The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g °C. Calculate ΔT of water in cup?Calculate ΔT of metal bar.Calculate the heat gained by the water.What law allows us to know the Q of the bar?Calculate the specific heat of the bar. * You think the bar is made up of iron. Calculate a % error for specific heat. The actual Cp of iron is 0.448 J/g C.

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