09.10.2021 • 

A student observes an unusually high number of acorns falling on her family’s driveway during the month of October. She asks, "Why do more acorns fall in some years than in others?" 1. How could the student investigate her question?

2. The student could design a scientific investigation to test her question.

3. The student could gather acorns, put them in a bowl, and observe them over a period of two weeks.

4. The student could go online or go to the library to research an answer to her question.

5. The student could find a scientific investigation in a book and change a variable.

→When you tell me the answer for a example don't say A or B say the second or third← and tell me why its that answer I wanna know why
I'll also give you brainliest!! But make sure your answer has details and its correct √√√

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