10.04.2021 • 

An electromagnet is the most powerful type of magnet there is. It is a magnet with a current running through it that can be turned on and off. Why might it be useful to be able to turn the electromagnet on and off?(1 point) 1 to not waste electricity

to control the strength of the magnet

to reduce wearing out of the magnet over time

to latch onto and let go of objects

What does electric current measure?(1 point) 2

how quickly electrical energy moves in a circuit

how frequently electrical energy moves in a circuit

how much electrical energy moves in a circuit

how well electrical energy moves in a circuit

How is a magnetic field produced?(1 point) 3

when an object has an electric charge

when electrons move through a circuit

when a current runs through a conductor

when an electromagnetic field interacts with a magnet

Which statement best describes how an electromagnetic motor works?(1 point) 4

Electrons are moved through a magnet, creating a circuit. That circuit interacts with a current, moving the conductor in the orientation of the field.

Electrons are moved through a circuit, creating a current. That current interacts with a magnet, moving the conductor in the orientation of the field.

Electrons are moved through a current, creating a circuit. That circuit interacts with a magnet, moving the conductor in the orientation of the field.

Electrons are moved through a magnet, creating a current. That current interacts with a circuit, moving the conductor in the orientation of the field.

Electromagnetism in Use Quick Check
5 of 5Items
Item 5
Use the image to answer the question.

A diagram shows a wire carrying a current in vertical direction. The magnetic field drawn using compass needles around the wire are concentric circles in a plane perpendicular to the direction of current.

What are the particles demonstrating in this image?

(1 point) 5

electric field

electromagnetic field

electromagnetic motor

magnetic field

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