11.11.2019 • 

Answer quicky! create a mixture of salt and sand. how can you separate the sand from the salt? pour some salt and sand into a cup and stir. add water to the mixture and stir. the salt dissolves in water; the sand does not. use a funnel with a paper filter. pour the mixture through the filter into another cup. the salt goes through; the sand is left behind. let the water evaporate for a couple hours. the salt is left behind. create a mixture of nails, toothpicks, and plastic mixers. how can you separate these three objects? would you use shape to separate this mixture? place all three components in a bowl. use a magnet to separate the nails. plastic and wood do not stick to magnets. use water to separate the toothpicks, since they float. you can pick them with your hands. the plastic mixers are left behind.

(1)what physical properties did you use to you separate each mixture?

(2)could you have used other properties?

(3) are these mixtures homogeneous or heterogeneous? why?

(4)what are different types of mixtures, and how do they differ?

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