14.04.2021 • 

By the 1960’s the scientific community had largely accepted the idea of plate tectonics. Leading to this general acceptance of the theory were a large number of findings from the post World War II era. One of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting the plate tectonic theory was the discovery of magnetic striping: zebra-like stripes indicating regions of strongly magnetic rock separated by magnetic rocks with opposite polarity on the seafloor surrounding the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. These magnetic stripes on the ocean floor were used to show that— A: the seafloor was spreading outward from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and that sections of the seabed had been formed during different time periods.

B: the seafloor was spreading inward toward the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and that sections of the seabed had been formed during different time periods.

C: the seafloor was effectively stationary, but continental landmasses had significantly shifted coastlines over time.
D: natural magnetic rocks always form deep in the mantle of the Earth, demonstrating that the crust had changed over time.

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