10.03.2021 • 

Caffeine Extraction Introduction:
1. Brief overview of Experiment. Purpose of Experiment
2. Hazards for all items used in the experiment chemical and instrumentation. Include
any sources for this information.
3. Personal Protective Equipment needed to perform the Experiment.
1. Detailed step by step process, No bullet points or numbers, in paragraph form. Write
so I can take your procedure and do the experiment myself.
2. List all glassware and instrumentation used with proper names, pictures are
acceptable if needed.
3. Volumes and mass of all chemicals used for the experiment and details of how many
times a chemical is used in the experiment and for what purposes.
4. Include details such as color, state, and texture of chemicals formed or used in the
experiment. Describe the procedure for purification when the color is not correct.Data:
1. Percent yield based on expected extraction for the tea bags (See question sheet)
2. All functional groups labeled on the IR.
3. Expected Melting Point for a pure sample of Caffeine (See questions sheet)Conclusion:
1. List any observations for the experiment you noticed, details about caffeine or any
other substance.
2. Based on calculated percent yield and data, and the video, was the experiment
successful? Was the desired product obtained?
3. What potential sources of error could have occurred? DO NOT write human error!
What is the human error, at what points in the experiment could product have been
lost and resulted in low yield?

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