05.02.2021 • 

Investigation #1: Adaliz and Wynta wanted to explore the effect of acid rain on sunflowers. They took five sunflower seeds and planted one seed in each pot, then labeled the pots #1-#5. Then, they took some white vinegar, and made three different solutions
with the vinegar. Solution Ahad 10% vinegar and 90% water, Solution B had 20% vinegar and 80% water, and Solution Chad 50%
vinegar and 50% water. They watered pots 1 & 2 with Solution A, pots 3 & 4 with Solution B, and Pot 5 with Solution C. They
measured the height of the plant in each pot every day for the next 60 days, and remembered to record their data on most days.
Is this an observational investigation or a
controlled experiment?
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Identify at least one strength of this
investigation and at least one way that this
investigation could be improved. Explain
your reasoning for each strength or
improvement area that you Identified.

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