06.03.2021 • 

Lilahrose22 21 hours ago
Social Studies
High School
Dear lgbt and aithest i resepect you but not your decisions. You cannot change your gender either you were born a girl or boy. I do not h a t e you, and some might say. God created you perfect the way you are you don't need to change. don't dislike the sinner dislike the sin. I hope you guys will find some sense and turn before your to late. Some might think your in love, but I promise you god created someone for you and they are not the same gender. Aithest please find god I know you don't believe but your science cannot disprove him. You will say they cannot prove him. You are wrong. If you don't agree with me tell me why, and if you do I agree with you too. Their is no such thing as a gay Christian either you clearly need to reread the bible. You are not being truthful to yourself. /

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