18.10.2021 • 

N Fig. 4-37, a ball is thrown leftward from the left edge of the roof, at height h above the ground. The ball hits the ground 1.50 s later, at distance d 25.0 m from the building and at angle u 60.0° with the horizontal. (a) Find h. Figure 4-39 Problem 42.
••44 A baseball leaves a pitcher’s hand horizontally at a speed of 161 km/h. The distance to the batter is 18.3 m. (a) How long does the ball take to travel the first half of that distance? (b) The second half? (c) How far does the ball fall freely during the first half? (d) During the second half? (e) Why aren’t the quantities in (c) and (d) equal?
••45 In Fig. 4-40, a ball is launched with a velocity of magnitude 10.0 m/s, at an angle of 50.0° to the horizontal. The launch point is at the base of a ramp of horizon-
tal length d1 6.00 m and
Figure 4-36 Problem 38.
••43 ILW
of 9.1 m, its velocity is :v (7.6iˆ 6.1jˆ) m/s, with ˆi horizontal and ˆj upward. (a) To what maximum height does the ball rise? (b) What total horizontal distance does the ball travel? What are the (c) magnitude and (d) angle (below the horizontal) of the ball’s ve- locity just before it hits the ground?
A ball is shot from the ground into the air. At a height

(Hint: One way is to reverse the motion, as if on video.) What are the (b) magnitude and (c) angle relative to the horizontal of the velocity at which the ball is thrown? (d) Is the angle above or below the horizontal?

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