25.03.2021 • 

Place the following energy states in order of their least net carbon dixide emission into the atmosphere, where 1. = lowest net carbon, and 5. = highest net carbon. In your calculation, take into account: How much carbon dioxide (or CO2 equivalent) is emitted per unit energy generated. If the source is renewable, how much carbon dixide (or CO2 equivalent) is removed from the atmosphere each year by that resource. How much energy is needed to produce and deliver that energy source. - Oils. Petroleum fractions, plant oils, and similar viscous substances, ccommonly combined with lighter distillates to form diesel fuels for truck and rail engines. - Gaseous. Hydrocarbons, hydrogen and carbon monoxide mixtures present in gaseous state at room temperatures which, when combined with oxygen (burned) release heat and/or light. - Solid fuels. Fossil carbonates (coals and peat), carbonized woody materials (coke, charcoals, and biochars), and lignite (woody) fuels including wood, pelletized grasses, etc. burned directly in their solid state.

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