05.05.2020 • 

The reaction described by H2(g)+I2(g)⟶2HI(g) has an experimentally determined rate law of rate=k[H2][I2] Some proposed mechanisms for this reaction are: Mechanism A (1) H2(g)+I2(g)−→k12HI(g) (one-step reaction) Mechanism B (1) I2(g)⥫⥬=k−1k12I(g) (fast, equilibrium) (2) H2(g)+2I(g)−→k22HI(g) (slow) Mechanism C (1) I2(g)⥫⥬=k−1k12I(g) (fast, equilibrium) (2) I(g)+H2(g)−→k2HI(g)+H(g) (slow) (3) H(g)+I(g)−→k3HI(g) (fast) Which of these mechanisms are consistent with the observed rate law? mechanism C mechanism B mechanism A In 1967, J. H. Sullivan showed that this reaction was dramatically catalyzed by light when the energy of the light was sufficient to break the I−I bond in an I2 molecule. Which mechanism or mechanisms are consistent with both the rate law and this additional observation? mechanism A mechanism B mechanism C

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