1. Type the following commands:

$ head /etc/services

$ ls /etc

$ who

$ date

$ uname -a

2. Use history and tail to list the 10 most recent commands you issued. It is okay if you have only the preceding five commands in your history list. [Show your work]

3. Regarding using an exclamation point (!) to reference events: (!! references the last command) see page 129

a. Repeat the ls /etc command using that command’s event number [Show your work]

b. Repeat the uname command by specifying it as the nth preceding command. Be careful: Each time you issue a command, the relative number of each preceding command changes. You might want to give another history command before you proceed. [Show your work]

c. Repeat the previous command. [Show your work]

d. Repeat the most recent command that started with the string head. [Show your work]

4. Create an alias that translates the command d into date. Make sure the new alias works. Display the alias. [Show your work]

5. Create an alias that translates the command ls into ls –l. Test the alias. Give an ls command that does not use the alias. Remove the alias and show that the alias no longer exists. [Show your work]

6. Where would you define an alias so that it is available each time you log in?

7. Assume the following set of commands are run in the order presented:




$CMD my name is $MYNAME.

CMD="echo hello world"


CMD="echo $MYNAME"


Explain, in your own words, what is happening when commands 2, 4, 5, and 7 executed.

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