A large hotel needs a program to store information about rooms at the hotel. Each of the rooms will be represented by an object which will store the number of beds in the room, and whether the room has a bath. Some rooms at the hotel are suites, in which case in addition to the information above they also need to store the number of sub-rooms in the suite. Which of the following is the best object-oriented program design? a. Create a Suite class with the instance variables int numBeds, boolean hasBath, and int numSubrooms .Create a subclass Room of Suite which wil inherit the instance variables numBeds and hasBath from Room, but not the instance variable int numSubrooms
b. Create a Room class with the instance variables int numBeds, and boolean hasBath. Create a subclass Suite of Room which will inherit the Instance variables of Room and has an additional instance variable int numSubrooms.
c. Create each of the following as separate classes, Room. Beds, Bath, Suite, SubRoom Create a single Roomor Suite class with the instance variables int numBeds, boolean hasBath, and int numSubrooms.
d. Create a Room class with the instance variables int numBeds, and boolean hasBath. Create a separate class Suite with the instance variable int numSubrooms

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