An investor has saved some money and wants to invest in the stock market. There are a number of stocks to choose from, and they want to buy at most 1 share in any company. The total invested cannot exceed the funds available. A friend who is a stock market expert has predicted the values of each stock after 1 year. Determine the maximum profit that can be earned at the end of the year assuming the predictions come true. Example
saving = 250
currentValue = [175, 133, 109, 210, 97]
futureValue = [200, 125, 128, 228, 133]
To maximize profits, the investor should buy stocks at indices 2 and 4 for an investment of 109 + 97 = 206. At the end of the year the stocks are sold for 128 + 133 = 261, so total profit is 261 - 206 = 55.

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