CountMultiples Language/Type: Java binary trees implementing IntTree
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Author:Robert Baxter
Write a method countMultiples that could be added to the IntTree class from lecture and section. The method returns a count of the number of multiples of a particular value in the binary tree.
Given a number n, a value m is considered a multiple of n if it can be expressed as (k * n) for some integer k. For example, suppose that an IntTree variable tree stores a reference to the following tree:
+---+ | 5 | +---+ +---+
|31 +---+ +---+ | 6| +---+ +---+
| 2 | +---+ | 4 | +---+ +---+ 17 | +---+ +---+ +---+
| 1 | +---+ +---+ | 8 +---+ +---+ 9 | +---+
Assume that you are adding this method to the IntTree class as defined below: public class IntTree { private IntTreeNode overallRoot;

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