For this question, let a palindrome be defined as a string that, when spaces are removed, reads the same forward and backward. For example, "race car" and "taco cat" are palindromes. You will write method palindromeChecker, which determines whether a string is a palindrome and prints a message indicating the result. Examples of the intended behavior of the method are shown in the following table. Method Call Printed Message
palindromeChecker("taco cat") taco cat is a palindrome
palindromeChecker("laid on no dial") laid on no dial is a palindrome
palindromeChecker("level up") level up is not a palindrome
(b) Write method palindromeChecker below. Assume that reverseString works as specified, regardless of what you wrote in part (a). You must use reverseString and removeSpaces appropriately to receive full credit. Your implementation must conform to the examples in the table.

/** Determines whether str is a palindrome and prints a message

* indicating the result, as described in part (b).

* Precondition: str contains only lowercase letters and spaces.


public static void palindromeChecker(String str)

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