Simple Arithmetic Program Using the instructions from Week 1 Lab, create a new folder named Project01. In this folder create a new class named Project01. This class must be in the default package. Make sure that in the comments at the top of the Java program you put your name and today's date using the format for Java comments given in the Week 1 Lab.
For this lab, you will write a Java program to prompt the user to enter two integers. Your program will display a series of arithmetic operations using those two integers. Create a new Java program named for this problem.
Sample Output: This is a sample transcript of what your program should do. Items in bold are user input and should not be put on the screen by your program. Make sure your output looks EXACTLY like the output below, including spacing. Items in bold are elements input by the user, not hard-coded into the program.
Enter the first number: 12
Enter the second number: 3
12 + 3 = 15
12 - 3 = 9
12 * 3 = 36
12 / 3 = 4
12 % 3 = 0
The average of your two numbers is: 7
A second run of your program with different inputs might look like this:
Enter the first number: -4
Enter the second number: 3
-4 + 3 = -1
-4 - 3 = -7
-4 * 3 = -12
-4 / 3 = -1
-4 % 3 = -1
The average of your two numbers is: 0
HINT: You can start by retyping the code that was given to you in Exercise 3 of ClosedLab01. That code takes in a single number and performs a few arithmetic operations on it. How can you modify that code to take in two numbers? How can you modify it to display "number * number =" instead of "Your number squared is: "? Take it step by step and change one thing at a time.
You can use the following as a template to get you started. Note that you must create your class in the default package and your project must be named for the autograder to be able to test it when you submit it.

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