Some websites impose certain rules for passwords. Suppose the password rules are as follows: 1. A password must have at least eight characters.
2. A password must consist of only letters and digits.
3. A password must contain at least two digits.
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a password and displays valid password if the rules are followed or invalid password otherwise. Create three methods (headers given below) to check the three rules.
public static boolean AtLeast8(String p)
public static boolean LetterOrDigit(String p)
public static boolean AtLeast2Digits(String p)
For example, method AtLeast8 will return true if there are at least eight characters in the password otherwise it will return false. The password is passed to the string variable p in this method. Inside the method do the following. Here are four sample runs:
Sample 1
1) Enter your password: My password18
Invalid password
Sample 2
Enter your password: pass18
Invalid password
Sample 3
Enter your password: password
Invalid password
Sample 4
Enter your password: password18
Valid password
Create a method AtLeast8 outside the main method with the header provided in the problem description.
i) If the length of p is less than 8 then return false, otherwise return true.

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