Suppose that you are asked to modify the Stack class to add a new operation max() that returns the current maximum of the stack comparable objects. Assume that pop and push operations are currently implemented using array a as follows, where item is a String and n is the size of the stack. Note: if x andy are objects of the same type, use x.compareTo(y) to compare the objects x and y public void push String item ) { [n++] = iten; } public String pop { return al--n]; } Implement the max operation in two ways, by writing a new method using array a (in 8.1), or updating push and pop methods to track max as the stack is changed (in 8.2). Q8.1 Implement method maxi 5 Points Write a method max() using Out) space and Oin) running time. public String max() {...} Enter your answer here Q8.2 Update push() and popo 5 Points Write a method max() using On) space and 011) run time. You may update the push and pop methods as needed public void push {...} public String pop() {...} public String max() {...}

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