The System maintains the ID, Name, Residential address and the Phone number (must start with Area code) for N subscribers in one dimensional arrays. Write a menu-driven application for performing the following operations. a) Accept the Subscriber’s details b) Search for records based on one of the following and display the details. (i) Name (ii) Phone Number Note: User can enter either a part of a name or in full for searching. c) Sorts the records in the ascending order of one of the following fields based on user’s choice (i) Name (ii) Phone number d) Displays the subscribers’ details in a tabular form as shown below: Address List ID Name Address Phone Number 11 RAHUL BOSE 15TH CROSS ST. 06-234 5678 12 TARUN SHARMA 14TH AVENUE 06-456 7831 Note: Store three user names and their passwords in two arrays. When the program executes, accept a user name and a password from the user, if they are valid then allow the user to work with the system, otherwise display error message and exit the program.

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